We experienced a national tragedy last week in Newtown, Connecticut. This is not the first such incident, and it may not be the last. But nevertheless, we have all been shocked and horrified by the deadly and tragic attack on ones so innocent by a very troubled, evil young man. Thankfully, we are still not so jaded as a society that such an atrocious act still takes away our breath and rips at our hearts and souls as well it should. Also thankfully, that evil man has saved us all the pain of the media circus of a public trial by taking his own life immediately after he committed his heinous crime.
Now the inevitable cries for new laws to somehow prevent another such incident from occurring have begun. Hardly had the acrid smell of a recently fired gun begun to clear the hallways of the small school in Newtown before the press corps and politicians began the calls for new restrictions on guns. But where was the village?
Often in modern times we have been told by these same members of the press and these same liberal politicians the old axiom that, "It takes the village to raise a child." It has been used as the excuse for countless intrusions into the lives of good and decent people raising their children. We have all heard of the nightmare stories of CPS showing up and dragging children from their homes for the most inane or imbecilic reasons. The liberal politicians and so-called community leaders in our country have long sought the governance of the state into every aspect of our lives, especially into the realm of parenthood. They have already achieved it to levels that frighten many of us today.
So where were these government saviors when they had the chance to prevent the atrocities in Newtown? Why didn't they catch yet another latent psychopath lying wait in our midst? Where are their cries about the complicity of 'the village' in this crime? Surely, if the village is responsible for the behavior of its regular criminals, as we are so often reminded by our travesty of a judicial system, then aren't they even more so to blame for the creation of such an evil prodigy? Surely, those community leaders should be willing to sit in the seat of the accused and be held accountable for their inaction or ineptitude, right?
Of course, you will never hear a peep about such things from the media or the liberals at a time like this because the absurdity of such an argument would be plain. Yet, at any other time, they are ready to fire at will with the same absurd ammunition in their battle to further control our lives. No, now is the opportune time to fire their ridiculous anti-gun bullets, because now that wound is open and you are ripe targets for the attack.
Consider this, why do President Obama, Senator Feinstein, Senator Reid, Representative Pelosi and all of the other hard-core anti-gun advocating liberals in Washington, D.C. surround themselves and their children with heavily armed Secret Service security teams? Why don't they send their children or grandchildren, unprotected into the D.C. public school system, where, despite draconian gun restrictions, armed thugs walk the neighborhood streets and recruit at the playgrounds? I don't think they trust the village that surrounds them to raise their children or the gun laws that they championed, do you?
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