
Monday, March 15, 2010

"Mark to Fantasy" - Why we're not out of the woods yet.

NOW FASB Wants To Do The Right Thing? - The Market Ticker

It doesn’t matter how you cook the books, the reality is still the same. Our government has continued to waste Trillions of dollars in a vain attempt to protect the people who have destroyed our economy from being held accountable for their actions. These are the crony capitalists. It seems that there are some in our government who would welcome a collapse of our system so that they can replace it and put themselves in power over us. These are the statists. Both groups of people represent a house built on shifting sand that is doomed to fail. A brief review of history would show them that all too quickly. Many of them know the history, but they delude themselves into thinking that somehow they are different. Our Constitution is the house built upon the rock which will never fail us as long as we hold true to it. That is because it is based upon historical precedent and Christian principles. The sooner we realize that, the better off we’ll be.

Neither crony capitalists nor statists believe in the free market system, and both of them tend to demonize it endlessly to justify why we need more government intervention in our lives. More government is the problem, though, not the solution. It is what enables these groups to destroy economies in the name of saving them. Both groups ultimately seek their own power over free men. Our Constitution is designed to keep government in check and to protect free men. The free market is one of the keys to preserving our freedom because it allows all men the opportunity to succeed regardless of their social status.

There will always be men who seek power and control, and it is up to free men to be vigilant for them and to stop them from enslaving us.

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